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Floor Preparation Equipment

Floor preparation equipment is used to prepare a surface for a treatment, coating or covering. The ideal equipment will depend on the current state of the surface and what kind of material needs to be removed before the surface is ready for a treatment, coating or covering.


Scarifiers pummel concrete by spinning a drum fitted with tungsten carbide flails. These flails act like hammers and break the concrete. Scarifiers are excellent for heavy material removal, coating removal and creating groves in a surface. A scarifier will leave a rough finish.

Vinyl Stripper

A vinyl stripper is best suited to the removal of vinyl, cork, carpet residue and heavy grease build up.

Jack Hammer Trolley

When more power is required to remove exiting tiles, a jack hammer fitted with a tile smashing blade is the ideal solution. Using a jack hammer trolley will save your back and increase your productivity.

High Pressure Washers

High pressure (HP) washers produce a jet of water at extremely high pressure. This is ideal for the removal of stubborn dirt and thin coatings.

Direct Drive Grinders

Direct drive grinders feature a single grinding head or ring that is driven directly by the motor without the use of gears or belts. These grinders are fantastic for aggressive grinds and are a favoured tool for floor preparation. The lack of gears and belts mean that the machines are relatively simple to fix and usually difficult to break. If you plan on preparing a floor for tiles, carpet, or timber this type of grinder is worth considering. The draw back from direct drive is that the machines are typically limited in size (max 480mm) and the lack of multiple grinding heads reduces the ability of the grinder to produce a high-grade finish. This means that these machines are not suitable for honing concrete or polishing concrete.


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